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Local Company Spreading Positivity through Post-it Notes

ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) — Local employees are spreading kindness across New York State with positive messages written on Post-it notes left for others to find.

Over 500 employees of Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth are leaving Post-its with positive messages written on them on co-workers desks, in coffee shops, and locally around the Capital Region as part of their #BeKindBeBerkshire challenge.

They hope to inspire others to pass the kindness forward, and their notes are being found all over NYS with notes from those participating in the challenge reaching as far Seattle, Washington.

People have been snapping pics of the Post-it notes and posting them to Berkshire’s Instagram and Facebook pages @Berkshirefarmcenter and tagging three friends to join in on the fun as part of the challenge.

Participants are encouraged to leave as many positive #notesofkindness in as many places as possible.

“We see the value of promoting kindness both in the workplace and in our communities across the state,” said Brian Parchesky, President and CEO of Berkshire. “You never know how much your simple kind words can mean to someone who may be having a bad day.”