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Foster Care Awareness Walk coming to Elizabethtown May 29

ELIZABETHTOWN | The Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth, which starting June 1 will be known as Together for Youth, will be holding a Foster Care Awareness Walk on Wednesday, May 29 starting at 9:30 a.m.

The rain-or-shine 1.5-mile walk will commence from the front lawn of the Essex County Department of Social Services building at 7551 Court St. in Elizabethtown. Light refreshments, donuts and coffee will be available afterward.

Together for Youth hopes the second annual walk will remind folks of the need to support the foster care system and honor the resilience of the children and families involved. Participants are encouraged to don purple attire to symbolize unity and solidarity with foster youth and families.

A group of people walking on grass in front of a building. They are holding a banner that reads,

In 55 New York counties, the philanthropic organization tries to strengthen children and families so they can live safely, independently and productively within their home communities, including the recruitment and placement of kids in foster homes.

Chief Development Officer and Communications Director Julie Brennan of soon-to-be Together for Youth says the new name aligns better “with who we are today and our current mission,” as some of its efforts have changed since it started in 1886 in Canaan, NY. But its focus has always been on improving the welfare of children.

In addition to placing children with foster parents, Together for Youth- which currently works with 5,800 youth across the state- also provides behavioral health services; family preservation programs; group homes; family preservation programs; short-term shelter care and detention services.

While it was unclear how many children were currently being helped in Essex and surrounding local counties, Brennan strongly emphasized the need for more foster and respite parents.

For more information about the walk or to become involved, write to Cate England at CEngland@BerkshireFarm.Org or visit the Facebook event page and RSVP at