
Parenting & Childcare Blog

How Young Adults Can Support Kids in Foster Care

Educate Yourself

The first step is becoming aware of what’s happening in the foster care space. Search for local foster care organizations in your area and research their website or social media channels to learn what’s really happening and what changes they are making in your community.

A focused woman sits at a table in a library, using a laptop with books around her. she holds a pen to her chin, deep in thought, surrounded by bookshelves.
Educate Others

Spread your knowledge to your peers, the groups you’re involved in, and even your family members. When we educate others, we create opportunities — you never know who will want to support the mission and children in care!

A diverse group of five adult students, including an afro-haired woman instructing, are engaged around a laptop in a bright classroom setting.
Donate Your Skills

Consider the skills you have learned over the years and donate your skillset to your local organizations. Many foster care organizations could use volunteers to support various events and campaigns that are critical in spreading awareness about their mission. Additionally, some may offer opportunities for mentoring, supplies collections, welcome bag creation, and more. If you’re in New York State, contact Together for Youth to learn how you can get involved today!

Provide Respite Care

If you’re seeking a deeper commitment or are considering taking a child into your home in the future, respite care might be an interesting option for you. Respite foster care is short-term care provided on a regular basis to a child or children so that their foster family can take some restorative personal time or tend to other personal obligations.