Parenting & Childcare Blog
4 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Youth in Care
Whether you love celebrating Valentine’s Day or believe it is a holiday created by the greeting card industry, it can be a fun day for children to celebrate and express love. However, for children in foster care and those who feel they do not have love and connection, Valentine’s Day can be uncomfortable and upsetting. Together for Youth’s Behavioral Health Clinician Debbie Greene, LMSW recommends rethinking Valentine’s Day celebrations and using the holiday as an opportunity to practice self-care, spend time as a family, and express love to the children in your care, making them feel loved, valued, and supported.

Ideas to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Your Children in Foster Care
1. Family Movie Night
Spending time together is a great way to express love to children on Valentine’s Day so planning a family movie night is a fun way to enjoy each other’s company and break from the typical evening routine to make the night feel special. Encourage each kiddo to pick their favorite sweet treat, microwave some popcorn, and check out the new releases on your favorite streaming channels.
2. Bake Together
Baking not only results in a delicious treat but also allows you and your family to carve out some tech-free time together. Grab some seasonal red and pink decorations from the store to create some Valentine’s Day goodies together, like this simple but festive candy heart bark from
3. Volunteer at a Local Non-Profit Organization
What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than by loving others in your community? Find a local organization that is meaningful to you and your children in foster care and spend Valentine’s Day volunteering together. If your chosen organization doesn’t have the capacity to host a volunteer activity, consider shopping together to make an item donation — for example, select and purchase hats, gloves, and coats for a winter clothing drive.
4. Encourage Connection with the Child’s Biological Family
If your situation allows, encourage your children in foster care to connect with their biological family on Valentine’s Day. Make the activity safe and fun — like baking a treat together to deliver to their biological families — and communicate transparently to ensure the chosen activity aligns with your child’s comfort level.
At the end of the day, it is critical to remember children in foster care are kids! By focusing on self-care and spending meaningful time together, you can create memories, foster a deeper connection, and express love and support.