Detention Services

Our secure and non-secure detention programs provide youth with a safe and secure setting by virtue of their choices and circumstances. Our programs provide an opportunity to choose a better path with new education opportunities, community resources, and trauma-informed care.
Hear from Mr. Hines!
Hear from Mr. Hines about joining the Together for Youth team.
Capital District Secure Detention Center
Our progressive secure detention center serves youth who are classified as juvenile delinquents, juvenile offenders, or adolescent offenders. The goal is to provide these youth with the services and support they need to achieve success in the program and prepare them for a successful transition to the community. Services include:
- Education, recreation, and skill-building activities
- A guest speaker series to allow youth to hear stories from people of similar backgrounds and life experiences. This offers youth the opportunity to envision different paths to follow
- Engagement of and collaboration with community partners to provide holiday meals
and gifts, arts programming, and opportunities to learn about trade programs and earn
college credits
Non-Secure Detention Program
We operate two non-secure detention programs, one in Columbia County and one in Steuben County. Our NSD services provide youth with a safe environment while facilitating efforts for their safe return to their homes and communities. Services include:
- Constructive learning experiences
- Skill building groups
- Positive role modeling to minimize negative behaviors and reinforce positive ones
- Working with families to facilitate a successful return home, shorten length of time in
NSD and prevent further interaction with Family Court

Meet Angelo and Tammar
Bringing author Chris Wilson to our juvenile detention center, a new dialogue filled with hope and aspirations emerged from the youth, thanks to Angelo and Tammar.
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