Our Story

DEIB Commitment

Growing an inclusive organization where diverse backgrounds, ideas and perspectives are welcomed and valued at every level is crucial to our ability to accelerate meaningful change.

We know diverse and inclusive organizations are better problem-solving entities. More solutions from greater perspectives will improve our ability to provide the tools, trainings, and resources necessary in order to provide the highest quality of care for our children and families.

Three women engage in a discussion around a wooden table, one holding a digital tablet. they appear focused and involved in a collaborative work environment.
Equity Statement

We vow to continue our journey by looking inward – by examining all biases and judgements while acknowledging both privilege and power. We are committed to better understanding privilege whether it be through race, gender, sexual identity, religion, ability, or other forms. Once fully acknowledged, we pledge to use the identified privilege to advocate for others. We understand that the work we do fosters change that will create a positive, ripple effect within our agency and in the community.

We at Together for Youth stand committed to becoming an all-inclusive, anti-racist, multicultural organization that encompasses a sense of belonging for all staff members, children and families, and community partners who join us in our mission. We are committed to dismantling barriers and ideology that reinforce a non-inclusive environment.

We are dedicated to remaining open-minded, respectful, and actively choose learning over comfort. We acknowledge that everyone is on their own journey, and we strive to cultivate a culture of non-judgement, to choose words carefully, show compassion, extend grace, and consistently strive to become an advocate and ally for others.


The launch of 3 DEIB workgroups:

1. DEIB Foster Parent Recruitment Workgroup
2. Inclusive Hiring & Recruitment Workgroup
3. DEIB Communications & Education Workgroup

Work begins on the DEIB page of our new TFY website.

DEIB blogs are updated for the new TFY website.

The new DEIB page is finalized for the new TFY website.


Our new Director of DEIB comes on board.

Board Approval of the New Inclusive Dress Code Policy.

DEIB Sub Committees Formed.

The Director of DEIB completed his listening tour across all Berkshire locations and collected insight on how to best address each regions unique DEIB needs.

Berkshire Farm Center partners with the Capital Region Pride Center.

Three people of asian descent joyfully embracing outdoors, with a beautiful sunset over a lake in the background.

Berkshire & The Pride Center’s partnership begins with our LGBTQ+ Parenting Group, focusing on parents and caregivers of LGBTQ+ youth.

A person's hand wearing a knit sweater holds a pen over a paper on a wooden desk, with a coffee cup in the background.

Implement 101 Inclusive Leadership training for emerging leaders / Rollout B for Belonging to DEI at Spring Leadership Day / Recruit new DEIB Committee members.

A person points at a yellow sticky note among several others on a white wall, each note with handwritten tasks or reminders.

DEI PD work continues with leadership / Analyze data from DEI Focus Groups, Assessments, and DEI workforce survey / Finish DEI Report and Executive Summary.

A person points at a yellow sticky note among several others on a white wall, each note with handwritten tasks or reminders.

Conduct DEI Focus Groups to gather data / Begin compiling data from annual Race Equity and Cultural Competence Assessments / Distribute DEI Workforce survey.


Re-Examine diversity in turnover, career advancement & positionality/ Plan for Traliant implementation/ FC/BH DEI PD begins/ DEI policy implementation.

Finalize DEI Training Academy and Microaggression Professional Development Curriculum.

Rollout DEI Training Academy / Microaggressions Workplace Training assigned to all agency staff / Leadership Day with focus on responding to microaggressions.

LGBTQIA+ education series for Pride month/ DEI PD work cont. with Sr., VP, and FC Core Team/ Equity Committee reviews dress code/ DEI Training Academy Blueprint.

DEI PD work begins for FC Directors/ Policy review cont.: Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation/ Review Traliant Contract for Workforce Dev.

DEI PD work w/Admin leaders/ Re-examine demographics data/ Options for Traliant implementation/ Microaggression language added to Anti-Discrimination Policy.

DEI Pledge & Statement work begins / DEI Guiding Principles Created/ DEI Professional Development begins / First Conversation Circle: COVID Vaccine.

Implement inclusive hiring practices / Dev. Inclusive Leadership Training Plan for leaders / PD work cont. with Sr. and VP team.

Agency DEI Statement finalized/ DEI Guiding Principles finalized/ DEI Professional Development begins for FC Core Team/ Cont. HR inclusive hiring practices.

Person pointing to one of several sticky notes on a white wall. the notes contain handwritten text, used for organization or reminders.

Equity Committee Implemented / DEI Focus Groups Continue.

All new hires receive Foundations of Diversity & Inclusion & Implicit Bias training / Pre-Cultural Competence Ranking & Pre-Race Equity Score.

All new hires receive Foundations of Diversity & Inclusion & Implicit Bias training / Pre-Cultural Competence Ranking & Pre-Race Equity Score.

A person's hand wearing a knit sweater holds a pen over a paper on a wooden desk, with a coffee cup in the background.

Implicit Bias Training, Cultural Competence Assessment & Race Equity Assessment Training for all BFC leaders.

Person pointing to one of several sticky notes on a white wall. the notes contain handwritten text, used for organization or reminders.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Focus Groups Commence.

Four women collaborating joyfully around a table in a bright workspace, one writing on a board and the others engaged in discussion with papers and a phone.

Welcome Director of DEI/ Agency Observations/ Examine Demographics Data/ Examine Diversity in Turnover, Career Advancement and Positionality.