Foster a Child

Types of Foster Care

Foster Parents change lives… Both the children’s and their own.

There are currently over 17,000 children in foster care in New York State with more than 6,000 coming into care every year.

Types of Foster Care

The primary goal of foster care at Together for Youth is reunification. Initially, the foster parent’s role is seen as a temporary one. Over half of children who enter foster care are reunified with their birth parents. We ask our foster parents to support these efforts—including facilitating visitations with birth parents and attending court appearances. Although this may not be a permanent situation, as a foster parent, you are making a permanent, positive impact on the life of a child even once they return to their birth parents or are placed with another relative when that is found to be in his or her best interest.

Respite Care

Every parent needs a break. Respite care providers step in to give foster parents needed time off—from a night to a week or more—usually on a regularly scheduled basis.

Emergency or Urgent Care

Foster parents agree to be on-call and to accept short term placements as the need arises, including at night and on the weekends.

Kinship Care

Grandparents, aunts and uncles, family members, or a community member who has a significant relationship with the child, who agree to care for children are called “kinship” caregivers. 

Foster-to-Adopt Care

Although reunification is the primary goal, that is not always possible. Many families foster with the intention of possibly adopting. Fostering to adopt has many benefits, including reducing the number of placements a child experiences and allowing a family to bond. 

The Foster One Program

Designed to serve those children who need more support than a traditional foster care home. It is a short term, evidence-based model that supports only one child in the home at a time. During this 6–12-month period the treatment parents, along with Foster One staff, create a loving, accepting environment perfect for change and growth to occur. Foster One is a small program with a dedicated staff available for 24/7 support. Treatment parents meet weekly to learn and gain support from staff and other Foster One treatment parents.

A young boy in a red and white striped shirt focused intently on playing a silver flute in a classroom setting.

Therapeutic Foster Care

People who provide a safe, temporary home for children in need whether on a part time or a full time basis. The primary goal of therapeutic care is reunification with the birth parents. These caregivers receive additional special training and support to be part of the care team responding to the needs of children in their home.

A joyful woman and a young girl sitting closely, smiling as the woman creates a heart shape with her fingers in front of her eye. they are in a bright indoor setting.
Top 4 reasons children are placed into care 61% Neglect
Top 4 reasons children are placed into care 32% Parents’ Drug Abuse
Top 4 reasons children are placed into care 14% Parents’ Inability to Cope
Top 4 reasons children are placed into care 13% Physical Abuse

Foster Parent FAQs

Most adults over the age of 21 qualify to foster. Which means you probably will too! View our most commonly asked questions- the answers may surprise you.

Two young women in blue jackets leaning on a railing, looking thoughtful, with a city street and buildings in the background during the evening.

Foster Parent

Inquiry Form

Ready to take the next steps? Complete our Foster Parent Inquiry form. A member of our foster care team will contact you to discuss the process of changing the life of a child by becoming a foster parent!

Therapeutic Foster Care Inquiry Form

Providing your address is optional, however, entering it will help us match you to a homefinder in your community.
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