Foster Parent FAQs

Top 10 Most Commonly Asked Questions
Together for Youth is here for you as a potential or current foster parent. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out by clicking here.
Foster parents help a family in crisis by temporarily providing a safe environment for children in need. As a foster parent, you provide basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter, along with general parenting such as supervision, recreation, transportation to therapy, medical/dental appointments, and activities in the community. Most importantly, foster parents help children feel safe, accepted, valued and loved.
Foster parents are encouraged to participate in visitations with the birth families, facilitate phone calls with the child and their birth family, and have phone calls with birth families to discuss the child’s routine, likes/dislikes, and other important information the birth family may want to know. Through the development of a supportive, collaborative relationship with foster parents and birth parents, children receive the wrap-around support they need. Additionally, birth families can develop a natural resource for support and mentorship regarding parenting skills, life skills and connection to their child while placed in the foster home.
The answer is NO.
It doesn’t always take two parents to raise a child. If you have room in your home and time to commit to caring for a child, fostering might be right for you.
Together for Youth provides foster parents with the tools and support they need to help children thrive.
We provide on-going trainings in trauma-informed parenting skills, child development and mental health, First Aid & CPR, as well as many other topics pending the needs of the children in your home.
Parenting children with trauma backgrounds can be tough. That’s why you should identify additional resources in your community to rely on for support such as your local church or organization you belong to, extended family, or even a local parenting support group.
Our trained foster care staff are there to help you every step of the way.
The answer is YES.
You know what is best for your family. We will provide you with as much information as we receive on a child to help you make the decision. We know foster parents want to help every child in need. However, it is important for the child’s success and your family’s stability that it is a good match for everyone in your home. It is absolutely okay to say ‘no’.
On average, it can take a family in crisis up to 1-2 years before reunifying with their children. Although reunification with the birth family is the goal of foster care, we recognize that some children are never able to return to their families and will stay in foster care until a more permanent resource is identified, such as adoption.
The answer is NO.
Children of the same sex are allowed to share bedrooms, however, children in foster care are not allowed to share beds.
Youth that identify as LGBTQ are allowed to sleep in a room with children of the same gender, however, a discussion about supervision would occur prior to placement to ensure everyone in the home is comfortable.
If a child is younger than 3 they may sleep in a crib within the foster parent’s bedroom, if necessary.
The answer is YES.
Foster parents are strongly encouraged to include children in regular family events, which includes vacations. Our foster care team is there to help obtain the appropriate permissions to travel.
All children in foster care are provided with a yearly clothing allowance to shop for clothing for the children. And, when special occasions occur, such as attending prom or making it onto a sports team, Together for Youth has funds to provide for uniforms, dresses and other special clothing needed so children in foster care can build the same positive, childhood memories as other children.
Foster parents ensure children receive necessary medical and dental care by identifying pediatricians and dentists in their community. Together for Youth is completely responsible for the medical and dental expenses of the children in your care.
The answer is NO.
Depending on the county the child is from, working foster parents are eligible for directly-paid or reimbursed payment for the child’s attendance at a NYS certified daycare.
The answer is YES.
Foster homes are expected to function much like an average home. Parents do hire babysitters when they enjoy an evening out or participate in out-of-home obligations.